Manage External Users, Groups, and Permissions

Manage External Users, Groups, and Permissions

In EEXAR an External User is one who has been invited to Domain, they basically have access to two Sections: the Catalog and Projects. As Super Admin, you can invite External Users to your Domain, but this is also possible for standard Users with the rigth permissions.

Adding External Users in EEXAR is not based on your Subscription plan and the number of External Users you can invite is unlimited. Each External User can sign in to their account with an email address and password. Every External User is attached to one External Group.

The permissions are set up at the Group level, meaning that every External Users part of a same Group share the same permissions. Also, an External User must belong to a Group, so you should start first by creating the relevant Groups that match your organization needs.

You will see that there is also Internal Groups/Users you can manage, these are Users meant to be employees/colleagues within your organization, we talk more about them here.

External Groups and Users

External Groups

  1. Create External Groups that define the access permissions to the various EEXAR sections and features.

  1. Add External Users to Groups and invite them to access your Domain.

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