Create and Manage External Groups

Create and Manage External Groups

In EEXAR Software, you can create External Groups (set of External Users) to access your Domain content. External Groups can be used for setting up segmentation in your prospects, clients, partners, providers, etc. External Users associated with a particular group can access the content shared to a particular group.

Key Features
  • External Groups contain External Users, Permissions and Folder(s) access.
  • You cannot assign Price Types directly to the groups.

Create External Groups

You can create different user groups.

To create External Groups

  1. Go to Users > Groups.
  2. In the External Groups tab, click Create Group.
  3. In the Create External group page, do the following:
    • Specify the Name for the group.
    • Choose a Parent group to which the group will belong.
      4. Click Next
      5. Choose the corresponding Permissions
    1. Catalog: By default every External Group has access to the Catalog, this doesn't mean they can see what it's inside, this is determined by the Folders access.
    2. Content: Here, you can choose which Product detail the group will be able to view. By default every External Group can view Products, which Products it can view depends on its Folders access.
      6. Choose the Folders the group will have access to.

Which Folders are available is determined by the Parent Group own Folders access, so make sure the Parent Group has the relevant Folders access before you can grant access to an External Group access to certain folders.

      7. Add the External Users that will be part of the group
      8. Click Create.

Assign Users to External Group

After creating a new External Group, you can associate members with the group.

  • You can assign External Users to multiple External groups and they can access data as per the permissions of their groups.
  • If the groups have different permissions, the highest level of permission is applied, for example if group A has access to more folder than group B, then if a user is part of both group he/her will have access to more folder than users who only are part of group B.

To associate users to a group

  1. Go to Users > Groups.
  2. In the External Groups tab select the group to which you want to assign users.
  3. In the Users tab, assign new users.
  4. Click Update.
You can also, go directly to the Users page and edit the User.

Edit External Groups

After creating External groups, you can update the group name, permissions and group members as your requirements grow.

To edit groups

  1. Go to Users > Groups.
  2. In the External Groups tab, you can see the list of Groups you have added.
  3. In the External Groups tab, click on the group you want to edit.
  4. In the Edit External group page, do the following:
    • In the Name tab, specify the group name in Edit group name and the Parent Group.
    • In the Permissions tab, select/change the group permissions.
    • In the Folders tab, select/change the group folders access.
    • In the Users tab, select/change the users associated.
  5. Click Update.

Delete External Groups

Periodically you may consider cleaning up the unwanted groups using the delete function.

To delete Groups

  1. Go to Users > Groups.
  2. In the External Groups tab, the list of group names will be available.
  3. Select the group(s) you want to delete
  4. Click the Delete button.

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