Adding, Modifying, and Re-inviting External Users

Adding, Modifying, and Re-inviting External Users

In EEXAR an External User is one who has been invited to Domain, they basically have access to two Sections: the Catalog and Projects. As Super Admin, you can invite External Users to your Domain, but this is also possible for standard Users with the right permissions.

Adding External Users in EEXAR is not based on your Subscription plan and the number of External Users you can invite is unlimited. Each External User can sign in to their account with an email address and password. Every External User is attached to one or multiple External Groups.

Points to Consider While Adding External Users
  1. The Super Admin or standard user adds an External User by providing its email address and External Group.
  2. Once the user's details are added, the system automatically sends an email invitation to the user's email address provided by the Super Admin or standard user with an invitation message stating he/her has now access to the Catalog and also provides a recap of the Projects he/her has been invited to.
  3. The user accesses the Domain by clicking the Access link in the email.
  4. After accepting the invitation, the user completes whichever of the following is applicable:
    • User is new to EEXAR and does not have an EEXAR account:
      • After clicking the access link in the email, the user will be redirected to the login page
      • User then uses its email address to connect to the Domain (password is also the email address).
      • User lands on a simple sign-up page.
      • User will sign up and create an account with EEXAR.
      • On creating the account, the user should click the Continue button.
    • User already has an account with EEXAR:
      • After clicking the access link in the email, the user will be redirected to the login page.
      • User then uses its EEXAR credentials to connect to the Domain.

Adding External Users

In every Subscription plans, the number of External Users that you can add is unlimited.

To add users
  1. Log in to EEXAR with a Super Admin account.
  2. Go to Users Users.
  3. In the External Users tab, click Create user.

4. In the Create External User(s) page, enter the following details:
  1. Email : Enter one or multiple user's valid email address(es). An invitation will be sent to this/these email address(es).
  2. Groups: Choose the Group(s) of the user in your Domain.
  3. Price Types: Choose the Price Types the User(s) will be able to view.
    1. Either select manually the relevant Prices Types
    2. Or assign them through the use of Price tags

5. Click Invite.
The system sends an invitation to the user's email address(es).


External Users in other Domain

In contrary to Internal Users, External Users can be part of multiple Domain. They can as well be Internal Users, but in only one Domain.

Although, a user can't be an Internal and External on the same Domain.

Modifying External Users

When you add an External User, you will start by be adding him/her to a group. You can change the user's groups when you need.

To modify an External User's group

  1. Go to Users Users.
  2. In the External Users tab, select the user from the list to modify the user group.
  3. In the User's Details section, check the corresponding group to which you want the user to belong.

  4. Click Update.

Re-inviting External Users

If a user has been removed from your Domain, but needs to be re-invited. Super Admins or standard Users can re-invite the user, just re-type his/her e-mail address as you would invite the user for the first time, you should see a green badge that mentions "exist" appearing next to the e-mail address, this means that this user has an EEXAR account.

To re-invite a user

  1. Log in to an EEXAR account with Invite External Users privileges.
  2. Go to UsersUsers.
  3. In the External Users tab, click Create user.
  4. Execute the usual process of creating an External User.


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