Introduction to Products

Introduction to Products

Managing products data can often become overwhelming due to the extensive amount of information for each product. EEXAR provides you with the tools to easily manage your product data by having a clear database of products that will make your day to day operations more efficient and will save you time, to focus on the actual sales.

Folders & Product Folders

To organize your Products in the structure you need, EEXAR uses a folder system, in which you can create two types of folder:
  1. (Standard) Folder
  2. Product Folder
In standard Folders you can create as many other standard Folders as you want, as well as Product Folders, but Product Folders can only contain Products.
In Icon view, Product Folders can be identified by the    icon.

Folders have two status:
  1. Published
  2. Unpublished
Products inside a Published folder can be seen by External Users if they have access to it in the web and AR Catalogs, but Products inside an Unpublished folder can not be seen by External Users even though they have access to it.

The above rule about Published and Unpublished folders does not apply to Projects.


List view

The first view you'll land on after entering a Product Folder is the List view of all the products contained by the Product Folder.

This view gives you a glimpse of the product information (the information displayed can be customized under Settings > Content Display, this feature requires Super Admin permissions).
From this view, you can browse the different products using the different filters located just above the table, sort the Products according to the information in the table or directly search for a product in the search bar. You also have the option to create Views based on your chosen filters and share them with other users, more about it here.

By selecting a product and clicking on the icon, you will display more detailed information about the product such as its creation date, last modified date, creator, last updater and so on.
It also displays the actions menu from which you can operate basic actions on the product such as Move to, Download or Delete.

Detailed view

The view you'll land on after clicking on a Product is the Detailed view of the product and all its information.

On this view you can edit any information associated to the Product such as: Product name, Reference, associated Categories, Description , Prices and Details. Simply hover your mouse over the information you want to edit and click the Pen icon to start editing the information. Please take note that depending on your permissions, certain actions might be restraint.

The Product Details information can be organized into Tabs if needed (more here).

You can directly access the media associated to the product by clicking the Pen icon inside the carousel, more about media here.
Also, according to your subscription plan you might have access to the AR editor by clicking on the cube icon inside the carousel, more about the AR Editor here.

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