Customizing Product fields

Customizing Product fields

Product fields in EEXAR Software, lets you categorize and organize various aspects of your Products such as Quality Assurance, Marketing, Sales, Logistics information and the like. Product fields are represented in the form of card in the Product detailed view. They are of five types.
  1. Text
  2. Number
  3. Dropdown
  4. Hyperlink
  5. Date
They are available for every Products in your Domain.

Text Product fields

Their value format is not restricted, they are the most wide and free types of Product fields as they can take any value, in this extent they don't have any possibility for default value.
One downside is that Internal Users with the right permissions can enter anything in these fields. They suit best to information such as descriptions, names, etc.

Number Product fields

Their value format is restricted to numbers only, in this extent they don't have any possibility for default value either.
One great advantage is that they can be used inside Validation Rules and Dynamic Fields during Projects, more about this topic here. They suit best to information such as quantities, volumes, etc.

Their value format is not restricted, but you have to define the choices that will be available to pick from.
One great advantage is that you can perfectly control the data entries, but it all depends on the data you've input. They suit best to information such as true/false, limited possibilities, etc.

Their value format is restricted, it has to be a link.
It has as main purpose to connect to external resources, even though we better suggest using EEXAR internal files management system, more about it here, it can serve scenarios in which you might not find the native system good enough to address your needs.

Date Product fields

Their value format is restricted, it has to be a date.
They suit best to information such as deadlines, min/max date, etc.

Permission Required
Only Super Admin can access this feature.

Create Product fields

The steps involved in creating new Product fields are:

  • Name the Product field.
  • Choose the type of the Product field according to the field purpose.
  • Set the Field Default value(s) if applicable.
  • Decide whether the field is required or not during Product creation.
  • Click Create

Edit Product fields

The steps involved in editing Product fields are:

  • Rename the Product field.
  • Change the type of the Product field according to the field purpose.
  • Edit the Field Default value(s) if applicable.
  • Change whether the field is required or not during Product creation.
  • Click Apply.
Changing the type of Product fields which are used by Validation rules or Dynamic Fields inside Projects will invalidate these rules/fields.

Delete Product fields

The steps involved in editing Product fields are:

  • Select the Product field(s).
  • Click Delete.
Deleting Product fields which are used by Table headers, Exports, Validation rules or Dynamic Fields on the Domain will invalidate these headers/rules/fields.


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