Customizing Price Types

Customizing Price Types

Price Types in EEXAR, let you run multiple pricing, these Price Types are nested in different logic such as Products, Projects, Reports, Permissions and so on. To create Price Types you'll first need to establish Currencies for your Domain, more about Currencies here . Below are listed the items for which the Price Types are used:
  1. Products
  2. External Users
  3. User groups during Projects
  4. Projects Reports


The main purpose of Price Types inside Products is to let you create different pricing. According to your business needs, you might need more than one pricing for each of your product, in this case add the relevant Price Type.

Adding Price Types

To add Price Types to Products
  1. Go to Content > Products .
  2. Select the relevant Product folder.
  3. In the Products table, select the desired Products.
  4. Under Prices click on the + icon.
  5. Pick the Price Type among the listed ones.
  6. Enter a value for the new price.
  7. Click the  icon.

The list of Price Types available depends on the Price Types created at the domain level by your Super Admin

Editing Price Types

To edit Price Types on Products
  1. Go to Content > Products .
  2. Select the relevant Product folder.
  3. In the Products table, select the desired Products.
  4. Under Prices, hover on the relevant price and click on the pen icon.
  5. Edit the value.
  6. Click Update.

Deleting Price Types

To delete Price Types on Products
  1. Go to Content > Products .
  2. Select the relevant Product folder.
  3. In the Products table, select the desired Products.
  4. Under Prices, hover on the relevant price and click on the trash icon.
  5. Click Ok.

External Users

Price Types are used with External Users to define which prices they will be able to view. Indeed, prices permissions are set at the user level and not at the group level. There is basically two ways of defining Price Types for External Users:
  1. Manual selection
  2. User Tags

Manual selection

To set Price Types manually
  1. Go to Users > Users .
  2. Under the External Users tab, select the relevant user.
  3. Under the Price Types tab, pick the relevant Price Types.
  4. Click Update .

You can drag and drop the Price Types over each over to arrange the order in which they should be displayed
In the Catalog Products table view, the first price displayed before entering the Product detailed view, is the first one in the list.

User Tags

First you'll need to create User Tags, to do so:
  1. Go to Settings > Users settings .
  2. Click Add field .
  3. Choose a name and pick the associated Price Types.
  4. Click Create.
This feature depends on your permissions level, Super Admin and Standard Users part of groups with Edit users, groups and user tags permissions can access this feature.

The order in which the Price Types will be displayed depends on the order you've picked them inside the User Tag.

To set Price Types by User Tags
  1. Go to Users > Users .
  2. Under the External Users tab, select the relevant user.
  3. Under the Group tab, pick the relevant User Tag.
  4. Click Update.

User groups during Projects

Price Types are used inside Projects to define which prices your Attendees will be able to view while reviewing your products. During projects, you can apply Prices Types to both Internal and External Attendees, through the group they are part of, more about groups inside Projects here .

Similar to External Users, you can define Price Types for user groups manually.

To set Price Types manually
  1. Go to Projects .
  2. Select the Project you want to edit the Price Types from.
  3. Under the Users tab, select the relevant Attendees group.
  4. Under the Price Types tab, pick the relevant Price Types.
  5. Click Update .

You can drag and drop the Price Types over each over to arrange the order in which they should be displayed
You also have the option to import Price Types based on a User Tag already created.
The first Price Type in the list is the one used to calculate the Revenue Generated in Reports for each User.

Projects Reports

As stated before Price Types are used to generate Projects Reports. You can't define any Price Types directly inside Projects Reports, but it is important that you understand the logic on how Price Types impact the report's generation.

The way Total Revenue generated is calculated depends on the Price Types of each User, there is two scenarios:

  • User has access to a single Price Type.
  • User has access to multiple Price Types.

Single Price Type

In this case, it is pretty simple, because EEXAR will just calculate the Revenue generated by the user based on this Price Type. And, for each product for which there is a quantity entered in the Order Fields the system will calculate the Revenue generated based on this single Price Type.

Multiple Price Type

In this case, EEXAR will calculate the Revenue generated by the user based on the first Price Type in the list . And, will not take into consideration the other Price Types to which the user has access to.

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