Understand your EEXAR Account

Understand your EEXAR Account

Key Terminologies

We use terms such as Products, Media, Domains, Projects, Groups, Users, etc. Following are the list of such terms and their definitions as used in EEXAR.
You can refer to more such terms in the EEXAR Glossary.

Domains are company accounts, Products, Internal Users, Projects, Media always belong to a specific Domain. Basically, they are the company to which your account belongs. You can access multiple Domains, but you can only belong to one Domain as Internal User.
Users are every account that are using EEXAR, we distinguish two types of Users.

Internal Users: They are the ones who can be granted permissions to edit and manage the entire data of a Domain (ex: Products, Media, Projects etc.).

External Users: They are the ones invited to a Domain, they basically can access two things: the Catalog or Projects.
Groups are sets of Users sharing the same Permissions. In EEXAR, each User must belong to a Group, similar to Users, there is Internal and External Groups and each Group type has specific permissions you can set up.

Internal Groups: They gather Internal Users, who will be able to manage your data. You can define what data Users can access, view, edit and delete, as well as if they can invite External Users to your Domain.

External Groups: They gather External Users, who will be able to access your Domain to review your Catalog or participate to Projects. You can define which Products
as well as which product detail they can view.

Note: The Price Types each External User can see is defined at the User level not inside External Groups.
Products are the heart of your Domain content, they are what you offer to review to External Users. They are used in the Catalog and during Projects to be showcased. There data is fully customizable, but they rely on 3 mandatory information: The Product Name, the Reference and the Categories to which they belong. To create any Product you will have to fill these three information.
Media are the enriched content that you add to your Products. EEXAR separate them in two types:

Media: They are the content that will be displayed inside the
carousel for each Product. The following file types are supported: Pictures, Videos and 3D Elements.

Files: They are additional content that will be given at the disposal of External Users in the form of downloadable content. Here there is no restriction concerning the files supported.
Projects are where business takes place, they represent sales meetings, which means the presentation of specific Products to specific Users during a specific period of time. It is composed of Sessions to which the Users can connect to review the Products, and generates a Report on the Sales ran. They are fully customizable and include different tools to engage during the presentation.
Reports help monitor what is happening in a Domain, from the Catalog Activity to performance Reports of Projects ran by Users, they provide useful insights and metrics.
"Record" is the generic name given to any entry made. For example, if there are ten products in the Products section, each product is a record. If there are 10 fields in the Product fields section, each field is a record and so on.

Sections are divisions where data is categorized based on similarity. Each division that has similar data is called a "section". For example Product s is a module that contains all your products details. Media, Users, Groups, Reports etc are other examples of sections.

Quick Screen Tour

Take a screen tour to know your EEXAR Applications display better.

Web Application

Products Section

When you open your EEXAR account, the first screen that you see is the Products. Here, you can manage your Products data and their related folder structure. It is a drive-like system with two types of folders:

Folders: which contain other Folders or Product Folders
Product Folders: which contain Products

  1. List of sections.
  2. Icons for Settings and Notifications.
  3. Folders and Products Folders.

Media Section

The Media Section groups every Media that has been uploaded in EEXAR. Media can only be upload if they are linked to a Product through its Reference.

  1. Search bar.
  2. Media folders.
The Media folder structure is an exact replicate of the Products folder structure

Users Section

The Users Section gathers every Users part of a Domain, either as Internal Users or External Users. In this Section, Super Admin can manage the Internal Users, and Internal Users with the appropriate permissions can manage External Users.

  1. Internal/External Users view.
  2. Users recap table.

Groups Section

The Groups Section recaps the groups created and the permissions assigned to each of them. From this panel Super Admin can manage the Internal Groups, while Internal Users with the appropriate permissions will be able to manage the External Groups.

  1. Internal/External Users view.
  2. Groups recap table.

Projects Section

The Projects Section recaps the projects that are to come, are ongoing and have been done. You can create, edit and manage the different projects from this panel.

  1. Ongoing/Upcoming/Done Users view.
  2. Projects recap table.

Reports Section

The Reports Section recaps the projects that are to come, are ongoing and have been done. You can create, edit and manage the different projects from this panel.

  1. Activity on the App (ex: Catalog interests).
  2. Projects reports.


The Catalog Section recaps how External Users will see your Products, it also offers a PDF download feature that allows Users to generate a "paper" version of the Products they selected.

  1. Categories panel.
  2. Products table view.
  3. Download PDF button.
  4. Switch between "Catalogs" (these are actually the Product Folders)

Mobile Application

AR Catalog

When you open the first section of the Mobile Application you land on the AR Catalog which is an Augmented Reality version of the Catalog you can find on the web.

  1. "Catalogs", similar to the web Catalog.
  2. Products available to review.
  3. Switch between list and icon view.
  4. Interactions buttons.
  5. Navigation menu.


The Projects section recaps the Projects to which you have access and lets you launch them.

  1. Navigation arrow.
  2. All/Owned/Invited Projects tabs.
  3. Projects info recap table.
  4. Change language


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